
Friday, September 01, 2006

NEW Season

NEW Season

collage on paper

4" x 4" 09.01.06



  1. Randel, just stumbled across your blog via a long chain of links from Bonecos de Bolso.

    OMG, such fresh, tight, playful, lovely work! No wonder your schtuff sells fast. It's really strong.

    Hope you're having a fine long weekend.

  2. Hi. I was wondering what you use to paste your collages, and what you paste them to. Also, how do you achieve the transparency of some of your images? It looks as though some images are reproduced onto transparent paper before they are pasted down. Is that so? Hope you don't mind sharing a few trade secrets.
    You're collages are really beautiful. I wish I could see them in person, and get a better sense of the textures. If I were quicker on the draw, I might be able to buy one.

    Thanks very much.

